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These 15 Skin Care Products Can Be More Hazardous Than Fastfood

The things we put on our skin – cosmetics, shampoos, lotions – can be just as dangerous to our health as the food we put in. Certain ingredients used in face washes, sunscreens, and other products have been linked to disturbances in hormonal levels and even cancer. The dangerous chemicals in creams and shampoos can seep into our bloodstream.

There are numerous ongoing studies on the exact hazards of skin care products, but almost everyone, including researchers, agrees that natural ingredients are the safest route to getting flawless skin and hair. The next time you go shopping for skin care, protect your skin by avoiding these 15 skin care products.

Note to readers: Certain brands that use organic or natural ingredients may be free from the effects mentioned below; keep an eye on the list of ingredients when purchasing skin care products.


After-Spa Cleansing Masks


These cleansing masks you use on your face and skin after a relaxing day at the spa look cute, but they’re unnecessarily harsh on your skin. The first couple of days might seem like it’s working on your skin, but after 3 or 4 days of regular scrubbing, it’ll feel as harsh as sandpaper.


15 Places on Earth Where People Live the Longest and Healthiest Lives

About a century ago, the average lifespan was only 31 years. Nowadays, it’s not uncommon for grandparents to see the ripe age of 70 and still go strong. There are several factors that we can thank for the increase in average lifespan, namely: significant progress in healthcare technology, the widespread decline of tobacco use, and an overall rise of safer living conditions, just to name a few. However, there are some odd cities and towns on Earth where living over a hundred years isn’t abnormal. In fact, it’s considered a cultural rite of passage!

These extraordinary places are referred to as Blue Zones, and their citizens enjoy upwards of 20 years more on Earth than the rest of us. Due to past studies on the subject, we now know of several geographical locations where people live longer and healthier. The greatest finding from past studies is that longevity has more to do with lifestyle choices than genes. Let’s check out the top 15 places on the globe with the longest average life expectancy.




This is a beautiful country situated between France and Spain. It’s a popular destination for skiers, and the tax-haven status invites shoppers from around the world. The country’s high GDP gives its citizens the opportunity to access high-quality healthcare, making the average lifespan of an Andorran roughly 82.8 years. The clean mountain air is probably a plus, too.


11 restaurants worth trying during Restaurant Week in New York City

Business Insider recently made a list of New York City restaurants that must be tried. The first restaurant on their list is Aureole’s Liberty Room. They wrote that Aureole’s “two-course lunch… usually runs up to #38 — so now’s the time to try chef Marcus Ware’s braised veal cheeks, and cavatelli pasta made with squid.” The last restaurant on their list is DB Bistro Moderne. It serves a foie-gras-and short-rib burger that costs $35.00. To find out more restaurants they liked, read Business Insider’s article, “11 restaurants worth trying during Restaurant Week in New York City.

What To Eat For Lean Muscle

In order to gain lean muscle, the most important thing to consume is protein and carbohydrates, but it’s important not to overdo it.
In order for your body to have enough energy to grow your muscles, you need to eat more calories than you burn per day.
To get your fill of amino acids you should eat protein-rich foods like chicken, seafood, beans, eggs, and dairy.
It’s also a good idea to spread out your consumption throughout the day. This will also help keep your hunger cravings at bay.

What Foods Should You Eat (And Avoid) To Improve Dry Skin?

Your skin is probably in desperate need of some moisture if you’re living somewhere that’s experiencing bitter cold temperatures and dry air indoors.
While we may be putting things on our skin to increase moisture we might be ignoring the foods we’re eating and how they can improve or increase dry skin as well.
It’s good to eat a lot of fruit, which is naturally hydrating.

What Is The Best Time To Drink Lemon Water?

Not only is lemon water tasty, it can also make you feel really good.
Lemons are a good source of vitamin C and are loaded with compounds that offer protecting to your cells as well as improve your metabolic health.
Staying hydrated maintains your ability to produce energy and allows you to exercise efficiently. What do you drink first thing in the morning?
If it doesn’t involve water and a lemon you might be missing out on some pretty fantastic benefits for your health.

Modern Toilet Restaurant, Taiwan

Modern Toilet Restaurant, Taiwan Review


Modern Toilet-The Best and Strangest Restaurant That You Have To Try. written by: AhmedAbe Taipei is a magical city.It is a admired around the world and is truly a global city.You can find all sorts of people here.You can also find all sorts of restaurants and takeaways to cater for them.Food is an integral part of the city.However, if there’s one restaurant that you must try out, it has to be “Modern Toilet”.The design of the restaurant it totally unique and you probably have already guessed the design of the restaurant. For those of you who haven’t guessed the design(by some miracle), the design is that of a toilet.The restaurant already gets an 11/10 for creativity from me.

The restaurant has a wide range of foods, from Pepper Chicken to Seafood with Cream Sauce Au Gradin. I chose the Green Curry with Chicken.Now the chairs of the tables are actually toilet shaped and you can open them to see the inside of a toilet.Although, I doubt the staff and other restaurant goers will be okay with you actually emptying your bowels.When the food arrived, they were in their own special plates and holders.They once again came toilet-shaped.It was actually quite fun eating off them and will be hilarious with friends. The food itself was quite delicious.The food arrived in decent time and was of not too hot. The chicken was cooked evenly and tasted great. The curry was spicy and I enjoyed it.Its green colour was slightly off-putting I have to admit. I ordered a normal Coke to go down with the food. The soft drinks in Taiwan as a whole tend to be richer in taste than soft drinks in the West, especially if you are used to British Coke.British Coke is like flavoured water and nothing special. After my main meal, I had two cheeky scoops of chocolate Ice Cream. The Ice Cream came in a squat-shaped toilet glass.For those of you that are used to sitting toilets, squat toilets are basically toilets in which you squat instead of sit.Supringsly it did not put me off my Ice Cream but then again nothing puts me of chocolate ice cream.

I will remember much of my adventures in Taipei.The city is full of delights.However, one that will stick with me forever is my visit to Modern Toilet.Besides the interesting design, the food is really quite marvellous.The marketing surely has worked, I will always remember the name and brand.However, I will cherish the food and experience the most.If you ever find yourself in Taipei, you do not want to miss this gem.Besides, think of all the FaceBook likes you will get.


Written by: Jingyi Jian.

Thanks to “Modern Toilet” for the pictures. (Pictures taken from FB)